'Arrow' Season 4: 'Oliver's Totally at Peace'


One of the changes fans of Arrow will notice in the fourth season is an updated outfit. Although Oliver Queen has a sunnier outlook on life, the new armor elements suggest the dangers facing Starling City is still just as dark. There might even be a hint of an influence from his time with the League of Assassins?

The cast and executive producers talked to reporters at Comic-Con on Saturday. How does a show that’s so dark recover from Season 3’s happy ending? Hints were dropped, including this one from star Stephen Amell: “People that are fans of the comics and the canon are going to be extremely excited with what we’re doing in Season 4.”

Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen)
There will be more “Oliver in a suit stories” according to EP Wendy Mericle, now that it’s more difficult to be the Arrow. But it’s not just his outfit that’s different.

“It’s interesting who [Oliver or Felicity] is happier than the other one. Who is more at peace than the other one. It’s almost always — if you were to say 'Who’s restless? Who’s angst-ridden? Who’s this, who’s that?’ — of course it would be Oliver.

Oliver’s totally at peace at the beginning of Season 4. We see that in an emotional sense and in a body posture sense. We see it.”

Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim
On casting Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk


“We just needed an amazing actor; somoene who commanded the screen. With Matt Nable and John Barrowman and Manu Bennett, the bar is set really high. So we needed someone who could play at or above that level and in Neal, we found someone who has — if you’ll pardon the pun — the darkness and can project that menace that we need in a great villain. It’s a cliché, but it’s true: Your hero is only as good as your villain.

Related: WB/DC Panel Sees a Lighter ‘Arrow,’ a Darker 'Flash,’ and Jimmy Olsen’s Abs

One of the things we’re doing this season which is really awesome is — unlike previous seasons, where we waited halfway through the season in order to put our Big Bad on stage — you’re going to get Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk right from the jump.”

John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn)
Barrowman doesn’t like to read ahead to know what happens to his character, but

“I do know that he’s going to be even more evil and badass than what he was. And also… there will be magic involved because I am The Magician.”

He then showed off his custom-made Demon’s Head ring to prove that he’s the right man to lead the League of Assassins.

Emily Bett Rickards
On being romantically involved with three members of the Justice League.

"That’s an interesting fact. Maybe she has a type? Given two of them weren’t heroes when she was interested in them romantically… did she make them into superheroes? I dunno. [Laughs.] I do believe she brings out the best in people.”

Katie Cassidy
Her physical training has been grueling, but there are some benefits.

“I like working out, but I’m a bit of an extremist, so I’ve been working out quite a bit. A lot of heavier weight, old-school style. And I’m also in martial arts. I don’t know if you follow me on Instagram, but I post sometimes about my training and what I do. With the tonfas, double tonfas. I was in kickboxing all last year. This year is probably going to be more of that, continuing with the martial arts and weightlifting. But it’s good to know that — in my real life — if anybody messes with me, I can kick their ass! [Laughs.] So that’s kind of a fun feeling.”

Arrow returns Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. on The CW.