29 Things You May Have Missed in the 'Simpsons' Lego Episode

"The Simpsons" went all out for their 550th episode, turning the entire town of Springfield into Legos. Homer was not at all astonished to find that he, his family, and everyone he knows has been turned into toys.

His world started to unravel when he got to a Perky Patty’s Princess Shop and found out he’d retreated into the imaginary land to escape his fear of Lisa growing up — thanks to some second-grade girls and a screening of “The Survival Games: Braving Courage.”

[Related: Why the ‘Simpsons’ Lego Episode Isn’t a ‘Lego Movie’ Copycat]

Almost every shot in the episode had additional Lego gags in the background. We’ve compiled a list of the things that may have moved by too fast for you to catch.


Springfield has a 99-Stud Store [1], the Kwik-E-Mart is a Brik-E-Mart [2], there’s an H&R Brick [3] (though Block would have worked just as well), a First Brick of Springfield [4], and a Brick, Block & Beyond [5]. Since the Lego characters are known as ‘minifigures,” “minifigs,” or just “figs,” Lard Lad Donuts are known as Lard Fig Donuts [6].

Also, it looks like Homer had to drive through the seedy part of town, because he passes by an Adult Blocks [7] store.

Homer is definitely an iPhone guy [8], not an Android user.


Blink and you’ll miss Dolph and Kearney [9] giving a kid a swirlie in the collapsed school.


It wouldn’t be unusual to see a display of Philip K. Dick novels in a comic-book shop, so it’s doubly appropriate to find one in the sort of near-alternate reality story that he was known for. The Philip K. Brick novels on display (and their real-world counterparts):

"The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" = "The Three Brickmata of Palmer Elbrick" [10]

"Ubik" = "Ubrick" [11]

"The Man in the High Castle" = "The Minifig in the High Castle" [12]

"A Scanner Darkly" = "A Scanner Blockly" [13]

"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" = "Do Minifigs Dream of Plastic Sheep?" [14]

"Beyond Lies the Wub" = "Beyond Lies the Stud" [15]

"Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said" = "Sort My Pieces, the Policefig Said" [16]

[Photos: Check Out More Pics From the ‘Simpsons’ Lego Episode]

Of course, the Lego version of Dick’s novel “We Can Build You” [17] is called “We Can Build You” here, too.

There are posters for “Block Runner” [18], “Radioactive Fig” [19], Brick Go Comics [20] (instead of Bongo Comics), and everybody’s favorite aquatic superhero, Bloc-Quaman [21].


The ratings on the Love Tester [22]:

Red 8x2 with Slanty Part and Hinge!!!
Orange 6x2 Brick With Holes
Yellow 4x2 Flat
Blue 3x1
Grey 1x1

Also, Moe’s doesn’t usually have a hat stand, much less a Hats & Hair Stand [23], but where else are they going to put it?


The sign outside reminds us that the Bible is “The Best-Selling Block in the World” [24].

The duck on wheels [25] in the stained-glass windows might be confusing to some: It was one of the first toys the Lego company released, so naturally, that’s their version of the Creator.

And instead of a crucifix behind Reverend Lovejoy, it’s a Lego brick separator [26] — a little tool you can use to pry apart two flat pieces when they get stuck together or pop off those little 1x1s. Truly, it is a life-saver.


Jebediah Springfield’s famous quote, “A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man” is now “A Noble Spirit Embrickens the Mini-est Fig” [27].

There are also a couple more stores, including Elements of Style: Fine Torsos for Men [28] and a Plastic Surgery Center [29], where losing weight is as easy as changing a decal.

Spot any we missed? Let us know below!

"The Simpsons" airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Fox.