Misfit Flash: A Cheap, Good, Fitness Tracker

You don’t have to spend a fortune to buy nice tech gifts. There are joy and glad tidings to be had in reasonably priced gadgets, too. Leave it to David Pogue to sniff out 12 delightful and useful ones.

The Sixth Day of Techness

I’m a huge believer in fitness trackers. They monitor your activity and your sleep (your sleep! Fascinating!), and show their results and graphs on your phone’s screen.

I’ve been wearing a Misfit Shine for the past few months. What I love about it is that it’s waterproof; its battery lasts for months; and you can pop it out of the wristband and into a clothing clip, for use when you’re doing an activity where the motion isn’t where your wrist is (like biking). But it’s $100.

The Misfit Flash is exactly the same thing, but in a cheaper plastic body — for $50!

That’s the least expensive mainstream fitness tracker by a huge margin (it sometimes goes down to $25 on Amazon), a real economic accomplishment, and a fantastic value.

See more gift ideas! Go to Pogue’s 12 Days of Techness.

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