WATCH: An Impressive Live-Action Skateboarding Collage Shot on a Smartphone

Skateboarding Time Collapse: Shot with the Lumia 930 from Microsoft on Vimeo.

Here is teen skateboarder Cory Juneau, tearing up an empty pool with fellow skaters Cory Juneau, Cory Juneau, Cory Juneau, and —

Well, you get the idea. The brief clip (via Boing Boing) is a very fun “time collapse video,” built out of 60 recordings of Juneau all taken with a Nokia Lumia 930 phone. (The video was paid for and “presented by” Microsoft, which owns Nokia.) It’s impressively crisp footage, subsequently “collapsed together in post-production” to present a surprisingly satisfying collage of a multi-Juneau skate assault.

It’s another reminder of the leaps that smartphone photography and videography have taken in just the last few years. And it’s an enjoyable minute and a half for those of you who are board at work this afternoon.

Get it? Board at work?


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