Kiesel’s first-ever all-in-one amp and effects plugin looks to shake up the world of digital guitar tones

 Kiesel HyperRig.
Kiesel HyperRig.

Kiesel has partnered with audio specialists PolyChrome DSP to create the HyperRig – a new all-in-one plugin that has set its sights on shaking up the world of digital guitar tones.

There are a few headlines here: first, the HyperRig represents the first time Kiesel has branched outside the realm of electric guitar production since 2015, and is the firm’s premier effort at producing a digital guitar amp and effects package.

Second, it’s been released to some huge claims, the boldest of which finds Kiesel promising the HyperRig will “set out to blow your wildest expectations of how your guitar can sound and feel, using a single plugin”.

Oh, and it’s got “the world’s fastest transposer” for speedy transpositions as an added USP: “You can now transpose your guitar (and other instruments) with a response that’s unlike anything you’ve experienced before.”

In order to blow player’s minds with its HyperRig, Kiesel has equipped is one-stop-shop for amps and effects with three amp models, 15 speaker sims, an IR loader, two EQ pedals, a collection of pre and post effects, and a handful of extras, including full MIDI control, a noise gate and a “3D space tone processor”.

So, at first glance, it’s quite a humble collection, but Kiesel insists this is plenty to curate enough tones to sweep you off your feet. In fact, there are currently more than 300 “masterfully curated” presets developed by Kiesel players and artists that HyperRig users can explore.

That, and the brand has promised this is just the start: “Your inspiration will never run dry with an ever growing collection of presets,” it says.

For some specifics, there are Maple, Carbon and InFusion amps for a range of crystal cleans, classic crisp and crushing crunch, and Delay, Reverb, Compressor, Boost, Drive and Chorus effects.

In other words, the HyperRig is evidence that Kiesel and PolyChrome DSP are intent on taking the fight to the likes of Neural DSP in order to nudge its way into one of the most profitable and popular arenas of the modern guitar world.

It’s rather competitively priced, too: the HyperRig is available for $129.

Find out more over at Kiesel.