Experience New York's holiday window displays from anywhere in the world

Have you ever wanted to see New York’s festive holiday storefronts, but without the crowds?

Google’s new Window Wonderland app lets you do just that, via a virtual tour.

Window Wonderland drops you right in the middle of New York’s bustling holiday scene.

Visit some of the biggest department store storefronts, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s.

Some of the displays are especially elaborate including Lord and Taylor’s Enchanted Forest, full of festive holiday animals and Barneys’ installation from the creators of South Park.

Audio from the window designers explains how they crafted the meticulous displays.

Window Wonderland is available on smartphones, tablets and computers but you can also use a virtual reality headset for a fully immersive holiday experience.

Source: https://www.engadget.com/2016/12/07/google-holiday-window-vr-tour/

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