Crank Brothers Cleat Tool Makes Any Cleat Install Easier

crank brothers cleat tool shown in packaging
crank brothers cleat tool shown in packaging

Sometimes it’s the little things that stand out, and Crank Brothers’ booth highlight was this new Cleat Tool. Designed to fit their own cleats (obvi), as well as SPD and Time cleats, it helps you hold them in position while tightening the bolts.

The tool snaps onto the cleat, so you don’t have to keep holding it in place. When it’s time to crank down on the bolts, it gives you more leverage so the cleat doesn’t twist on the shoe, messing up your perfectly calibrated placement.

crank brothers cleat tool shown snapped onto a mountain bike shoe cleat
crank brothers cleat tool shown snapped onto a mountain bike shoe cleat

The prongs on the side have four distinct depth measurements, all with 1mm variations, so you can check your shoes’ tread heights. This helps you determine if you need to use spacers under your cleats (or not). The dots on each corner tell you the depth in millimeters.

The Crank Brothers Cleat Tool price is just $5.99, and it’ll be available in July…unless you buy a pair of Crank Brothers shoes (update: or pedals!). We found out they’ll be including them with new shoes (and pedals!) starting in late May as a bonus surprise when purchased directly from Crank Brothers’ website.

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