Would You Try the Pixelated Hair Trend?

Every hair trend — ombré, dip-dye, splashlights, and chromosomally given dye jobs — is now being combined into one super futuristic style inspired by pixels. The technique was created by hair colorists Jose Luis Almendral, Jorge Cancer, and Marco Antonio Restrepo at X-presion Creativos, a Madrid-based salon (that also has additional locations around the world including Brazil, France, and Russia) and is now being seen on daring women on every continent.

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The technique, called “xpresionpixel,” requires dyeing small rectangular sections different colors in a grid-like pattern to achieve the computer-like effect. The futuristic style was even incorporated into a Revlon ad campaign.

The effect is certainly cool but it’s definitely not for the faint of heart. But for those daredevils out there such as model Chloe Nørgaard (she has every color of the rainbow on her head), Nicole Richie, or Gwen Stefani, this is the style to try for 2015.

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