Women Are Donating Pantsuits to Charity

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

If Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid did anything for fashion, it decidedly resurfaced the pantsuit trend. And it’s not just celebrity fans like Beyoncé that she brought in on the style. Women around the nation bought and wore pantsuits as a sign of solidarity with the #ImWithHer movement. And now they are giving them new life with a new cause.

For many women, some of whom were a part of the Pantsuit Nation Facebook group, wearing a pantsuit came to mean more than support for Clinton. “It became a vibrant and uplifting community of millions of women and allies demonstrating their commitment to Hillary,” Meena Harris wrote in a Lenny Letter. “It truly was a ‘safe space,’ something that seems increasingly rare on the Internet. It affirmed the hope, love, kindness, and support we all are capable of when we come together to fight for something we believe in. It elevated the values embodied in Hillary’s campaign and proved that, indeed, we are stronger together.” But the thing is that togetherness and unity might be needed now more than ever with Clinton’s Electoral College loss. Harris is calling for women to come together again in a new Pantsuits for Progress campaign.

As Harris points out, wearing a pantsuit is a bit of a privilege. So, in a move set to honor Clinton’s public service, Harris aims to hold a Pantsuit Drive to donate pantsuits to women who are in need. Specifically, the suits will go to poor and homeless women who are preparing for job interviews to put their best foot forward.

As first impressions are vitally important in any interaction, particularly in business, the gift of a pantsuit could really have a lasting impact on someone’s life.