What Will Hillary Clinton Wear For Her Big Announcement? We Have Some Suggestions

Hot on the heels of Republican Rand Paul announcing his bid for the Presidency, Hillary Clinton is following suit (for the opposing party of course). The former Secretary of State is finally putting the “will she/won’t she” rumors to rest and officially announcing her candidacy for President of the United States via an allegedly pre-recorded video on Sunday. It is a marquee moment for sure, not just because the Clintons are one of America’s great political dynasties, but also because she could potentially become the first woman to head up the Oval Office. (Making Bill the first First Man.) But first, she has to hit the campaign trail. And while we love a power suit, we’d also love to see HC shake things up in the fashion department. Maybe wear something that’s both chic and says, “I got this.” We are, of course, here to help with a handful of fun and (okay, maybe not totally serious) suggestions to help her own this historical moment.

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