What Robert Pattinson Really Wants to Do Is Design Clothes


Robert Pattinson looking broody, possibly thinking about fabric swatches for his new clothing line. (Photo: Getty)

We need another celebrity clothing line like the world needs more carbon emissions, but here we are — or, rather, here is Robert Pattinson delving into the wonderful world of fashion. In an interview with Numéro, the actor revealed that besides romancing fiancée FKA Twigs, he has also been busy over the past two years developing a clothing line for men and women.

“I’ve been visiting producers and craftsmen. There’s already quite a few pieces. I love doing it,” he dished. “My style is influenced by the cities I go to, sourcing fabrics and local skills. In Los Angeles, it’s really easy to work with denim and do workwear-inspired clothes. In England, I look more toward wool and knitwear. What I do is pretty multifaceted, clothes for men and for women, things that I make with friends…” Want to know more about what Pattinson has up his sleeve? Well, you’ll have to wait a while to get that info. “I’m not going into too much detail; I don’t want to jinx anything,” he said.

Since Pattinson held back some details, all we’re left to do is speculate about what we may see from him. Pattinson is a classic man, so we’re predicting quality basics that have a bit of ruggedness. We would love to see a few suits from him for both men and women, and we also think that he might come through with a mean selection of denim button-downs. Also, with gender-neutral clothing trending, this would be a great opportunity for Pattinson to add to the conversation with his own take.

Either way, we’re sure that whenever he unveils his project, there will be plenty of people scrambling to scoop up his wares. But until then, we will be watching closely for any little glimpse of what Pattinson has to offer.

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