Your Perfect Wedding Hashtag, Made Easy

Gif: Quinn Lemmers
Gif: Quinn Lemmers

Over the last few years, wedding hashtags for Instagram have become less of a gimmick and more of a necessity. They’re the easiest way to collect your guest’s best photos in one place without having to hound anyone to “send those pix asap plz!!”

The Internet is bursting with advice on how to think up a hashtag for your own wedding — there’s even a bunch of free-to-use wedding hashtag generators (though the results I received weren’t the most original). But if you’re still at a loss, use these simple tips to choose the right wedding hashtag for your big day.

Start with your names. There’s a reason Bennifer and Brangelina are still being talked about today: The two names fit together seamlessly, making for memorable combos that brides and grooms would die to use as wedding hashtags nowadays. If your names can be easily combined, you’re lucky. Go with that.

Beware of inside jokes. I was recently looking through wedding hashtags on Instagram, and came across a few that unfortunately didn’t holdup long term because rando, non-wedding attendees were using the terms for their own ‘grams. Unless you’re chill with sharing your wedding bliss with everyone person who’s hashtagged a pic #waterbottle (or something of that ilk), steer clear.

Think punny thoughts. Does one or both of your names sound like another word? If so, that word is probably used in some kind of popular phrase, work of art, song title, or something else. The odds are in your favor. Like, a hashtag pun I just came up with using my name might be #CrottyByNature, or, worst case scenario, #CrottyTrained. (Side note: That would be awful.) But you get the idea. And rhyming is always a plus.

Utilize the location of your wedding. This one’s especially good if you’re doing the destination thing. Even if you can’t think of anything clever for your hashtag, adding a city or other type of locale to your names will make your hashtag unique.

• Name + name + date. This is obviously the last resort — but it does the trick. No, you won’t be winning any awards or even LOLs if your hashtag is #LauraAndJoe916. But you will be able to easily scroll through candid wedding photos on Instagram in the hours and days following and reminisce about the fun times that went down. #NoJudgement.