Uncle Wears Suit to Meet Newborn Niece to Make Good ‘First Impression’

Man in suit
Photo: Iris Kessler/Twitter

She may have only just been born, but when one niece met her uncle for the first time, she met a man who was determined to make a good impression — by wearing a suit, tie pin and all.

The baby’s aunt, Iris Kessler, posted on Twitter on Jan. 3 that her brother decided to show up in his finest clothing to meet their niece because “first impressions matter.”

A good first impression is something he certainly left, as the photo has since been retweeted more than 68,000 times.

When the man, whose name has not been shared, finally met baby Carter, he found that she couldn’t quite get her eyes open wide enough to take in her uncle’s style.

But hopefully she was able to feel the high quality fabric she was resting against.

Thanks to the tweet, this dapper uncle has since become an Internet legend, with one Twitter user calling him the “best uncle. Ever.” Another tweeted to Kessler, “I love your brother.”

Carter did eventually open her eyes — and she’s a cutie.

And by the way, we’re all up for making this a full-blown tradition: Let’s all dress up smart for a new baby’s arrival. Because it will not only be her first impression of you, but of the world, too.