Transgirls Can Be Girl Scouts, Says the Organization

Photo: Courtesy of Girl Scouts 

Over the past couple of years—and especially this one—the movement for trans-visibility has become one of the most talked about human rights issues in the mainstream media. Spurred in part by the rise in popularity of Orange is the New Black and the character of Sophia Burset, played by Laverne Cox, writer and activist Janet Mock’s book Redefining Realness, as well as her column in Marie Claire, and her show “SoPopular!” on MSNBC, and of course, Kardashian-king Bruce Jenner, whose recent interview with Diane Sawyer where he revealed he will be transitioning into a woman, put trans-issues at the forefront of the most popular of popular culture.

Knowing all that we know now, it should come as no surprise (and yet it does!) to find out that the Girl Scouts of the United States of America’s policy on transgender youth basically boils down to this: “If the child is recognized by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, then Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe.” So simple and yet so completely out of the norm for so many other groups, especially groups of adults!, who can’t seem to wrap their heads around such a simple concept.

While the policies have been in place for some years now, and – as their FAQ stipulates – placement of transgirls in a troupe is handled on a case-by-case basis, this makes it one of the most forward-thinking organizations in America today. At least it’s certainly light years ahead of the Boy Scouts of America, who are still fighting over allowing gay men to serve as scout leaders. Get it together, guys, it’s 2015!

That’s not to say that the Girl Scouts’ policies are met by everyone with open arms, but it’s important for the organization to make a stand, and for once, stand on the right side of history. Now go and buy all the Thin Mint cookies and eat without guilt! It’s for a good cause, a very good cause.

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