This Couple Received an Anti-Gay Letter in Response to a Wedding Invite


“You’re going to get what you deserve,” the RSVP sent to this same-sex couple’s wedding invitation read. (Photo: WOIO)

A same-sex couple in Ohio has been left reeling after the blissful time leading up to their nuptials was marred by a cruel and threatening wedding invitation RSVP. Keith Alan and Chad Michael, who sent their invitations out recently, were most certainly were not expecting the reply letter they received on Thursday. “So I opened it up, I saw it, I read it and I was like, it’s almost got to be a joke; it doesn’t seem real,” Alan told Fox8.

The letter informed the couple that they had sent an invitation to the wrong people.

“You thought we supported you as a couple, well boys you were so wrong!” the letter read. The anonymous authors informed the Canton-based couple that the invitation had been forwarded to an anti-gay group, which would be attending the nuptials to protest. The snide tone then turned sinister, warning, “This day is going to be ruined for you. … You both are going to get what you deserve.”

Alan and Michael, who met nine years ago, said they had waited for so long to be able to wed that they refused to let the letter ruin it, and would not be changing their wedding date or venue. “[The letter] is more of a reason to move forward with it,” Michael told the station. “Love will win in the end — that’s what it comes down to.”

Others are showing their support for the couple, including the New Vision United Church of Christ in Canton, which has offered to host a card shower and is accepting letters of support.