This teen made her dachshund a matching prom dress, and they both look like queens

A talented teen made her own (gorgeous) prom dress — but not before making sure her dog would have a prom dress, too.

Florida high school senior Brenda Cross, 18, spent a whole day making her prom dress, which features a black beaded halter top and dramatic floral skirt.

The teen used leftover fabric to make a matching dress for her 7-year-old dachshund, Sasha.

She’s like a daughter to me and we just get each other so well, so she goes everywhere with me,” Brenda told BuzzFeed News. “She’s the only pet in the house [right now], and the one who gets the most attention in the house as well.”

The pup, who Brenda rescued from the Humane Society two years ago, looked stunning in the floral pattern (with an on-trend off-the-shoulder neckline, no less).

Brenda’s tweet featuring photos of the glamorous pup went viral, garnering more than 14,000 retweets.

“I never expected it to get this much attention,” she said.

Well, Brenda, the attention is well deserved – you and Sasha look amazing!