Study Shows Couples Who Drink Together Are Happier

From Town & Country

A new study out this summer from the Gerontological Society of America shows that couples who share the same drinking habits tend to be happier.

According to Reuters, researchers analyzed 4,864 married couples in the U.S. over the age of 50 in a long-term Health and Retirement Survey. The study found that partners who either both drank or both abstained were more satisfied in their relationships than the couples where only one person imbibed. On average, the couples had been married for 33 years, and the majority were on their first marriage.

Women in particular seemed to be affected by having a partner with dissimilar drinking habits.

"Concordant drinking couples reported decreased negative marital quality over time, and these links were significantly greater among wives," reads the study's summary. "Wives who reported drinking alcohol reported decreased negative marital quality over time when husbands also reported drinking and increased negative marital quality over time when husbands reported not drinking."

While the study established this correlation, they're still not sure why couples who drink together (or don't drink together) have a more positive perception of their relationship.

"We're not sure why this is happening," study author Dr. Kira Birditt told Reuters, "but it could be that couples that do more leisure time activities together have better marital quality."

However, it's probably not a good idea to take this research as permission to get hammered every night of the week.

"We're not suggesting that people should drink more or change the way they drink," said Birditt.

University of Michigan's Dr. Fred Blow (who is not involved in the study) echoed Birditt's sentiment when speaking with Reuters: "Heavy drinkers have disruptive relationships with people, particularly their partners. That's an important issue that should be looked at going forward."