Sorry But This Dog's Maternity Photos Are the Best Maternity Photos

​​Work it, mama.​

From Cosmopolitan

I'm sorry, I'm sure your maternity photos are gorgeous, but this is next level. I'm screaming.

Brazilian photographer Ana Paula Grillo captured the rotund grace of adorable doxie, Lilica, right before she gave birth to five puppies. Some ladies just look better with a little weight on them, and Lilica is no exception. Just look at her work that belly! Tyra would be proud.

I hope Lilica was spayed right after giving birth because lord knows there aren't enough homes for all the dogs who are already out there, but I do have to say this is the cutest freaking thing I've ever seen.

Even better, Grillo told The Dodo that Lilica is "very well loved and cared for" and all of her puppies have already been adopted. I can't wait to see those pics! Might I suggest posing them in hot dog buns? Or is that played? It might be, but I still want to see it.

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