How Robyn Lawley Eats and Exercises in a Day


When juggling busy careers and lives, it's not always easy to find the time to hit the gym or prepare a healthy meal. For inspiration, we're asking influential women in a variety of fields to share a typical day of eats and fitness, to see just how they balance a healthy lifestyle with their jam-packed schedules. Robyn Lawley–who made headlines in 2015 as Sports Illustrated's first-ever plus-sized model and was featured again this year (shot only six months after giving birth!)–juggles modeling, motherhood, and running her own namesake swimwear line. The body positivity icon travels often but when home, takes time to fill her day with healthy, easy-to-replicate meals made with ingredients she grows herself. Here, a day in her life.

"My days tend to be a bit chaotic and then I'll suddenly be back home and have a 180 degree switch in duties–from going to events and modeling couture to changing diapers and gardening. I find peace and solace in being home [in Los Angeles]. It's a holiday every time I'm here, even with house cleaning etc., because I'm surrounded by forests and mountains. It's such a beautiful and Zen environment which is something I yearned for after living in Manhattan for five years.

When I am at home, I cook my own food. I get so tired of hotel food after having to eat it so often when I am on the road traveling for jobs. When I cook I choose good local ingredients and pick from my own vegetable garden."

"For breakfast, I love eggs on toast. I tend to jazz mine up a bit with chopped red onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes, cilantro and kale from my garden. For two people, I use four eggs, you can whisk the eggs with a dash of milk or you can opt out of milk, I also put some double Brie cheese in mine and I cook with a French butter to crisp up the onion a little. I get my bread from Gjusta in Venice and I thick slice it myself and freeze it so I can have good toast even if I can't get there daily.

I also love my morning coffee, I get cold brew lattes from my local markets at Locomotive Cafe, then other days I love a Blue Bottle latte or New Orleans ice coffee. I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to coffee but most Australians are."

"Today I had my man shoot new digitals for me. Just like actors go to castings to get a new gig, models are pretty much cast for every job and most big clients can request new digitals, which are just raw current images. On average, I do them once a week. I prefer getting it done in the morning during my baby [Ripley]'s nap after breakfast."

"When I'm in LA I always try to see my kickboxing trainer, Jason Zickerman at Box N Burn in Santa Monica. They also do great classes! It's been a great break from tedious gym workouts which, unfortunately, just don't cheer me up or motivate me as much. Learning the skills required for kickboxing makes it exciting and challenging. We usually do about nine to 10 three-minute rounds, with a long stretch afterwards.

I also interval train when I'm in Australia with my trainer Penny Walsh, who's the only person I'll go to the gym for besides my best friend Jess Dally Butler. I recently saw her do her first pull ups and now I want to reach that level, so I've begun weight training. Weight training is amazing for building muscle which in turn is 'toning.' I also jump rope, which is cheap and easy to take with you on trips."

"After breakfast, we might have a morning smoothie in which I use frozen banana mixed with either coconut water, milk, or nut milk. I also add kale from our garden or baby spinach, then I add frozen strawberries and blend for a tasty green smoothie which Ripley loves."

"I love making hearty salads as I find most salads at places like hotels and traditional cafes really boring. When produce is as rich as it is now, I want as much vegetables, nuts, and fruits as I can get in my salads. I typically just use olive oil and balsamic vinegar, but I also love mixing whole grain mustard, olive oil, vinegar, and lemon together in a jar to use as salad dressing. Another important tip is to massage the olive oil into the kale to make it more tender and take the stalks out."

"In my typical salads I include vegetables like red onions, kale, baby spinach, radishes, carrot, peppers, butter head lettuce, and fruit like avocados, pineapple, mango, or apple. I also add sunflower seeds or smashed almonds. If I want a heartier salad, I include boiled eggs and maybe tuna."

"I love going for evening hikes in Los Angeles when the sun is setting. We take turns carrying Ripley which is easier than using a stroller on a hike."

"Ratatouille is one of my specialties and my favorite dishes! It's a hearty meal full of fresh vegetables. Again, the produce is rich this time of year so all the vegetables taste the best. Since I feed my daughter what I eat I try to make our meals rich in nutrients. I don't separate her food and because of that, she eats anything I give her. My ratatouille consists of: two large eggplants, two brown onions, three different colored bell peppers, six to eight medium zucchinis, and four large tomatoes. The next day it even tastes better! Tomorrow I will either mix the leftovers in with my eggs for breakfast or save it for lunch."