The real hero of Netflix’s “The Defenders” is the way Jessica Jones throws very heavy things

The real hero of Netflix’s “The Defenders” is the way Jessica Jones throws very heavy things
The real hero of Netflix’s “The Defenders” is the way Jessica Jones throws very heavy things

Last month, during a San Diego Comic-Con roundtable interview with Marco Ramirez, showrunner of Netflix’s latest Marvel series, The Defenders, one very simple question was asked: Between all The Defenders, who would win in a fight?

Without missing a beat, Ramirez declared, “Jessica Jones!” And now, after binge-watching all of The Defenders, it makes sense. There’s not a fight that Jessica Jones won’t win.

The Defenders — which is basically Netflix’s version of The Avengers — takes place over the span of a week, and sees our unlikely allies (Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Danny Rand/Iron Fist), forced to work together to save the city, and the people, they love. None of them are too keen to join up with the others, and Jessica is the only one who actually walks out of the fight for a short time. But, she comes back, because as Krysten Ritter told the crowd at Comic-Con, Jessica’s got a “gooey center.” She talks a big game, she throws a mean punch, but at the end of the day she’s always going to do what’s right.

And sometimes, what’s right is throwing very heavy object!

You can watch all eight episodes of The Defenders to find out exactly how and why Jessica keeps tossing ridiculously heavy things, but for right now, let’s just bask in her almightily strength and glory.

Here are just a few of the things she moves during the eight episodes with her bare hands — no help needed.

Trish’s car:

This bureau:


This car:


This dumpster:


Danny Rand:


These cinderblocks, which Jessica kicks:



And those are just some of the very heavy things she moves with easy. Girl is strong. Botton line: Don’t pick a fight with Jessica Jones, unless you want to lose.