Piña Colada


Photo credit: Sarah Shatz, Food52

Whether or not you like getting caught in the rain, there’s something about a piña colada.

We’ve all had dreadful versions: watery, too boozy, too fake coconut-ty, too…cheesy. But when a piña colada is done right, it is bliss: creamy from coconut milk, with a hint of rum, and a light, bright character thanks to fresh pineapple.

This recipe comes courtesy of Food52, whose cofounder Merrill Stubbs goes so far as to call it her favorite piña colada. A pineapple partisan, she likes to have a good amount of it in her cocktail, and finds that “a combination of coconut milk and cream of coconut produced the right blend of sweetness and creaminess.”

There’s a bit of nutmeg sprinkled on top, so it’s reminiscent of cool weather while being suited to warm evenings (for getting caught in the sun or the rain).

My Favorite Piña Colada
by Food52
Makes 4

3 oz light rum
4 cups ice
2/3 cup fresh pineapple chunks
3 ounces cream of coconut
2 ounces coconut milk
4 ounces pineapple juice
Juice of 1/2 large lime
Pinch freshly grated nutmeg, plus more for garnish

Combine all the ingredients in a blender (use a good, strong one that can crush ice) and blend until smooth. Add more ice or liquid to taste. Serve in a pretty glass with a shower of grated nutmeg, a lime wedge and maybe even a cocktail umbrella.