Meet Our Guest 'Grammer of the Week: @ABrownTable

Each week we’re teaming up with a popular food-stagrammer who will take over our Instagram feed and fill it with their own delicious pics. This weekend on #TastyTakeovers, photographer Nik Sharma, also known as @ABrownTable is our guest. Learn his secret for taking delicious photos in the Q&A below and head over to @YahooFood on Instagram to watch his foodie adventures unfold all weekend long.


Nik Sharma, the blogger behind A Brown Table. (Photo: Nik Sharma)

Name/Instagram Handle: Nik Sharma/ @abrowntable

Tell us a bit about yourself!

Geographically, I’ve moved around a bit. I grew up in Bombay, India but went to school in Cincinnati and then later moved to Washington, D.C., before moving to Oakland, Calif. I originally went to graduate school to study molecular genetics and public policy (health) and worked in medical research for a couple of years before switching to food blogging and food photography full time. My husband and I recently bought a home in Oakland where we live with our pup, Snoopy. Consequently, home renovation and design has become my chief hobby!


(Photo: Instagram/abrowntable)

What first got you interested in food and photography? Where do you draw inspiration from?

I’ve always wanted to cook, even as a kid it appeared as this fun process that was mingled with science and creativity and I wanted to be a part of it. Thank goodness for the internet and the advent of food blogs because it let someone like me with no background in the food industry become a part of this fun and exciting world.

Oddly enough, I never liked photography growing up even though my dad worked in advertising as a photographer. It was only until I started my blog that I really started to develop an interest in photography and more specifically, photographing food. I’m probably not the best person when it comes to writing and sharing my views on the imbalance that exists in the food blogging world but I wanted to create and share my point of view through my food photography and styling, it’s my story of a colored gay immigrant who just happens to love cooking and photographing the process behind it. This is one of the reasons why I tend to usually show my hands in my photos because behind every dish there are so many people from all walks of life, and at every stage of preparation — from growing ingredients to cooking — that we need to think about. I hope my work, in small way, helps bring some focus on that aspect of food.


Popcorn ice cream and salted caramel sauce. (Photo: Instagram/Nik Sharma)

How do you take your photos (with a camera or phone)? What are your favorite photo editing tools and/or tips for taking exceptional food photos? Give us the scoop!

My DSLR, since it’s with me almost all the time, otherwise, it’s my iPhone, Honestly, it’s whatever is with me at that moment and what I immediately pick up to take a photo. One of the most important things my dad told me is avoid the temptation to imitate or copy anyone else and develop your own style. Since I never attended art school, I had to learn through trial— and believe me — a lot of errors. But it’s helped me to learn to trust myself and my instincts when it comes to photography.

I highly recommend the VSCO CAM app on my iPhone to shoot and edit all photos. I love their different tools to control exposure and light and I think it’s probably one of the best photo apps on the market with great filters. Another tip, make sure your hand is steady when you take a photo, pay attention to light temperatures and adjust accordingly, and always make sure everything looks the way you want it to in the camera’s frame before you shoot.

What do you love about the San Francisco food scene?

One of the things that I enjoy about San Francisco and for that matter the Bay Area food scene is the passion. Almost every person I’ve met feels very strongly not only about what they eat or create, but also that they make an active effort in finding out where their ingredients comes from. We’re definitely spoiled when it comes to having fresh ingredients year round because of the weather, but with the current drought that we’re experiencing, it’s impressive to see folks in the food industry doing everything in their power to reduce waste and increase efficiency.


San Francisco’s fresh produce can be found all year round. (Photo: Instagram/Nik Sharma)

Who are three of your favorite Instagrammers? What do you like about them?

Gosh, there are so many wonderful photographers and food bloggers that I follow. I love @hummingbirdhigh’s feed because it’s all about baking with plenty of desserts and her styling is pretty. There are very few voices and opportunities for men and even fewer for gay men for that matter in the food blogging community, but the feed from Jarry Mag (@jarrymag), the new gay men’s food magazine is a blessing! They curate and share the work of so many talented men in the food world that I might have never heard of otherwise. And lastly, @cotemick for his unapologetic approach in capturing urban lifestyle scenes and he does that with charm!

What do you enjoy about Instagram compared to other online communities?

I’m visually driven and Instagram offers a platform for people from every walk of life to share a part of the world, the way they see it. People tend to be friendlier on Instagram and I find that it’s easier to interact with people on a more personal level through this platform. I’ve met several wonderful people through Instagram and even made good friends through this portal.


Rosé dinner date at Zuni Café with fellow Instagrammer @hummingbirdhigh. (Photo: Instagram/Nik Sharma)

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten recently?

All the food items on the menu at the Juhu Beach Club in Oakland. It’s very rare to find Indian fusion food done right but Chef Preeti Mistry does it with perfection!

If you could throw a dream dinner party for any three people—living or dead—who would they be and what would you cook for them?

That’s a tough one but if I had the opportunity, I’d love to cook for and eat with Nigella Lawson (I’d make her a pizza with a naan base), make a rum baba with Julia Child, and roast a spice-rubbed fish stuffed with herbs for J.K. Rowling.

What’s the best dish you’ve ever made or the dish that you’re known for?

My beet infused tandoori chicken.

And last but not least—what’s your favorite food (if you had to pick one)?

Tiramisu and a crispy southern fried chicken that’s got some good amount of cayenne in it.


Homemade tandoori chicken infused with beets. (Photo: Instagram/Nik Sharma)

For more drool-worthy Insta pics, visit our Instagram board on Pinterest and get to pinning!

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