Did Lady Gaga Just Tell Taylor Swift Life Will Be Fine Once She Meets a Man?


Taylor Swift is just about every young female celebrity’s BFF. Selena Gomez (Swift was her rock through the Justin Bieber breakup), Karlie Kloss (the pair cover Vogue together), Lena Dunham (the Girls star gave Swift a cat locket for her birthday), Jaime King (the former model just named the “Style" singer godmother to her unborn child), and so many more hang out at her apt for candid photo ops, bake cookies, play with her cats, and consider her a bestie. But it looks like the 25-year-old is looking to add another A-lister to her lineup: Lady Gaga.

On Monday, Swift tweeted, “Is it just me or is Lady Gaga, like, fully LIVING right now?!? #goals.” Swift is right: Mother Monster is on top of her game. Gaga has a hit album out with Tony Bennett, is collaborating with Paul McCartney, killed it at the Oscars performing Sound of Music hits, and will appear on the next season of American Horror Story. Not only is her career on the up and up, but the “Bad Romance” artist also doing well personally: Taylor Kinney recently popped the question with a large heart-shaped diamond. At 28, Gaga’s got a lot going for her.

To repay the compliment Swift sent out to Gaga and her 53.7 million Twitter followers, Gaga responded in kind: “wow you’re a sweetheart! Life is friends, family, and love! We all see that in you, your prince charming will come!”


Um, what? Am I the only one who thinks that response is semi-offensive and anti-feminist? Swift wasn’t saying that Gaga was “LIVING” right now because of her shiny new ring on her finger, but because of everything else she has going on professionally. Gaga’s message to her fans has always been one of self-acceptance, promoting individualism and independence. Saying that someone’s “prince charming will come” doesn’t really fit that message.

Obviously Swift has been very vocal about her former flames, her makeups and breakups, but she has also made it clear to the world that she’s focusing on her friendships and career, instead of boys. The 1989 artist recognizes that boys aren’t everything. Dedicating time to family, friends, and career is just as, and maybe even more, important in the long run than searching for prince charming.

It’s evident by the amount of social media followers each of these young women have that they’re both wildly influential, making it extra important for each of them to send out empowering messages, not just to each other, but to their fans and the general public as well. While Gaga has taken her platform seriously for years, her latest tweet just doesn’t sit right.

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