Justin Trudeau is amazing at yoga, wows the Internet

Justin Trudeau is amazing at yoga, wows the Internet

Justin Trudeau is amazing at yoga, wows the Internet
Justin Trudeau is amazing at yoga, wows the Internet

Let’s count the ways Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has captured our hearts. He’s proud to be a feminist — in fact, when asked why he made half of his cabinet women, he responded simply, “Because it’s 2015.” In July of last year, he became the first Canadian PM to ever march in an LGBTQ+ pride parade. Oh, and a few less important (but still adorbs) ways: He’s *such* a romantic, and he loses his cool when holding panda cubs. OK, we’ve covered most of the major bases. But now, the Canadian PM is knocking it out of the park once again — this time, with photos from his past depicting his amazing yoga skills.

Last week, a photo of Justin Trudeau in the yoga pose Mayurasana — also called the “peacock pose” went totally viral and has been shared thousands of times. The photo was originally taken in 2011 and posted in 2013 by freelance photographer Gregory Kolz, according to the Ottawa Citizen, but it went viral after being posted to Facebook by Toronto yoga teacher David Gellineau.

Canada’s Prime MInister #justintrudeau- practicing #mayurasana. Didn’t we say…#canadalovesyoga

Posted by David Gellineau on Thursday, March 24, 2016

David’s right — Canada *does* love yoga. In fact, having the knack for yoga seems to be a family trait. Justin Trudeau could have learned his yoga skills not only from his wife, Sophie — a certified yoga instructor — but his father, former PM Pierre Trudeau, who was photographed doing the exact same difficult pose in 1970.

Justin Trudeau told CNN back in 2013 that he was able to do the pose — like father, like son. “Not on the floor, but I do it on railings and on the edge of tables, and stuff. I used to do it an awful lot when I was younger,” he said. “Now that I’ve hit 40, I’m not quite as able to do it as I used to be.”

Looks like he totally nailed it, IMHO. Just another reason for the Internet to swoon.

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