We Found The Best Gluten-Free Boxed Pastas (And Here's What To Do With Them)

It should come as no surprise that one of the main difficulties associated with living gluten free is accepting the reality that you must dispense of your regular carb-loading habits. Upon discovering that I had celiacs disease, I first mourned the loss of my regularly scheduled weekend Domino's binges before quickly moving on to sulk over my new pasta-less reality.

I, of course, had seen gluten-free pastas on the shelves of the grocery stores I frequented, but I had only ever heard mediocre, if not flat-out poor, reviews. I prepared to take the starchy loss and live a life resigned to rice and quinoa, but that only worked until it just didn't. The truth is there is no substitute for pasta and I quickly learned that I would need to find an acceptable (wheat, barley, and rye-free) alternative. So, I deep dived into the celiac-friendly section of the grocery store and diligently stuffed myself until I found the gluten-free pastas of my dreams. Below, a full breakdown of my absolute favorites and the best ways to prepare them all.