FDA WARNING: Don't Give Kids Meds With Codeine — Period

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From Good Housekeeping

The Food and Drug Administration has updated their warning about giving medicines containing codeine and tramadol to children. In a statement issued on Thursday, they say that parents should restrict the use of these types of painkillers in children under 12 years old as they carry an increased risk of slowed breathing and death. They also caution breastfeeding mothers to avoid the use of medications containing these ingredients as it could possibly harm their infants.

The agency says that moving forward, prescription drugs containing codeine or tramadol - which have been issued for pain relief after oral surgeries and C-sections in the past - will now be labeled with a warning. They also advise limiting use in adolescents ages 12 to 18 who have breathing problems or are obese. "This is something we've been watching for several years," says Douglas Throckmorton, the deputy director for regulatory programs at the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "They are powerful, effective medicines when used right [but] they can cause a lot of harm when they're not."

Over-the-counter codeine products, like cough syrup and medicines for cold and flu, were not given any further restrictions by the FDA. However, they advise that parents monitor what they are giving their children for these ingredients and ask their doctor before use.

Parents have had mixed reactions to the news. "My son was given a prescription for Tylenol with codeine after having a tooth pulled. I didn't give it to him. What's crazy is that this is also what I was given for pain after both C-sections, and I was breastfeeding. I didn't question it at the time, as I couldn't take care of an infant without the pain relief," one woman commented on Facebook. While others are saying their children have taken it and were fine. "My 7yo daughter used an opioid (Tylenol 3, maybe?) post tonsillectomy last year, and we were very grateful the ENT Rx'ed it. That's a very painful surgery," another wrote.

Tramadol and single-ingredient codeine products are still FDA-approved for use in adults.

[h/t: NPR]

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