Drake's 60 Best Outfits

By The Editors of GQ.

There are many, many things to appreciate about Drake a.k.a. Drizzy a.k.a Champagne Papi a.k.a. Mr. Aubrey Graham. There's the music, obviously. There's his maybe-they-are, maybe-they're-not, grinding-happy relationship with Rihanna. There's his ultimate fan boy-level appreciation of things related to the NBA. And then there's the undisputed fact (sorry, Internet) that he's the coziest baller currently on planet Earth. It helps that most of that cozy steez comes courtesy of his own line, October's Very Own.

But while Drake can make a sweatsuit look legitimately stylish, he can also suit up with the best of them (wearing the best of them: Tom Ford). The inspiring thing about the Champagne Papi's wardrobe is that he wears the types of things average Joes want to wear on a daily basis—he just wears them better. The secret weapon to his sartorial success can be found in his arsenal of amazing outerwear, from lightweight coaches jackets to leading man shearlings, the best bombers money can buy, and graphic racing jackets. Here's how he makes the world's best coat closet work to his advantage.

This story originally appeared on GQ.com.

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