Does Bone Broth Make You Beautiful?

Whether it’s activated charcoal to detoxify skin, an Ayurvedic baking soda concoction to resolve bloating, or a gravitational colonic to “Roto-Rooter” one’s insides, there’s frankly nothing too eccentric or conventional that the wellness world won’t dare to try. Keep cycling, mixing matcha, and ingesting chia seeds — but it’s all about bone broth now.

Founder of the Broth of Life Laya Barak says that bone broth helped with her Crohn’s disease, but it also gave her a beauty boost. “While I was drinking the broth, I noticed that my nails and my hair were growing in much faster and thicker,” she says.

Read what Barak has to say about how drinking bone broth (on the reg) could replace a costly and traditional beauty routine (hint: let monthly facials be bygones!).

Yahoo Style: Bone broth is packed with protein, good fats, collagen, calcium, and keratin — all ingredients that support glowing skin and strengthen hair and nails. Is that something you thought about when making the recipe?
Laya Barak: Not at all! When we first started making the broth, it was to help inflammation and soothe the gut. Once I saw how fast and hard my nails were growing — and my skin also looked so clear and healthy — my mom and I realized there was much more to this elixir of life. This is what prompted us to have our broth sent out and tested by a food scientist who found high amounts of collagen in our product. He told us that outside of helping to heal and seal your gut, bone broth can also smooth out wrinkles and make you look and feel 10 years younger.

So does that mean this can replace weekly or monthly facials and Botox?
Yes! Facials and Botox can be very expensive and are not giving your body half the benefit you can get from a cup or two of bone broth a day. In consuming bone broth, you are able to absorb collagen directly into your body in an extremely soluble form instead of having it injected, which may cause reactions to your skin and is also not long lasting. Another beauty bonus of bone broth — it helps fight cellulite over time!

How often and how much should someone consume bone broth to reap the benefits and see beautiful (literally!) results?
So here is what people need to understand about bone broth: No one is saying it’s a miracle cure all in a day. If you are drinking one to two cups as part of your daily regimen, you will see differences in your skin, nails, and overall health in about two to three weeks. Every person is different, but the more the collagen builds up in your body, the better your skin will look. By consuming bone broth, you are healing your body from the inside out.

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