We cannot get over this grandma’s super polite Google search

We cannot get over this grandma’s super polite Google search

We cannot get over this grandma’s super polite Google search
We cannot get over this grandma’s super polite Google search

One of the greatest joys of modern day life is to see how our parents and grandparents use social media. They make off-beat but adorable comments on our Facebook profile pictures, which usually end awkwardly in “Love, Grandma.” Or they write “happy birthday” messages to friends on their own wall. It’s pretty adorbs.

This grandma from the U.K. might take home the Best Online Grandma award, though. A few days ago, a guy by the name of Ben Eckersley tweeted his grandma’s Google searches. He opened up her laptop and saw that she was typing in “please” and “thank you” when asking Google about Roman numeral translations.

I mean, really. How can “please translate these roman numerals mcmxcviii thank you” not put a massive smile on your face?! Omg, we love grandmas. They’re so polite and well-mannered.

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