A Look at Milan Fashion Week Through Photographer Filippo Mutani's Lens

Where from: Milan

How long have you been working in fashion: About 6 years now.

Who or what is your favorite subject to shoot: I started “THE BACKSTAGE DIARIES”  about 5 years ago with the idea of talking about fashion from a different angle, far from classical fashion stereotypes. Now the project is on exhibition at the Milan Leica Galerie (until October 5th) and I hope to publish it as a book soon.

What is your schedule like during the week? It's quite crazy for me: lots of shows to shoot or to just to go to and edit the pictures for magazines at night..

What are your tactics for getting from show to show: Feet tactics!

Who are your favorite people in fashion: Models.

Why is  street style in Milan so much better: Is it?

Favorite spot to relax or favorite site? I love the seaside.

How do you feel about Fashion? I usually feel almost like an alien!

Do you ever shop for designer clothes in Milano? Mmm sometimes I do, but mostly for girlfriends rather than for myself!

Personal motto: Don’t think twice, it’s all right.