This Ariana Grande fan breaking it down at one of her concerts is all of us with our favorite band

This Ariana Grande fan breaking it down at one of her concerts is all of us with our favorite band
This Ariana Grande fan breaking it down at one of her concerts is all of us with our favorite band

Have you ever witnessed someone connecting so strongly to music they quite literally lose control of their whole body? It’s not every day that a person’s mind, body and soul can feel rhythm so deeply, but when it happens, it’s beautiful. And one Ariana Grande fan knows exactly what we mean. At one of Grande’s concerts on her “Dangerous Woman” tour, some incredible soul captured the experience on video. Grande, who is known for always wanting to connect to her fans and once told Jimmy Kimmel one of her fans’ best qualities is confidence, shared the video on Twitter earlier this week. It currently has 66,000 retweets and counting.

So what exactly makes this fan worthy of a tweet from his beloved Ariana Grande? Honestly, after watching the video, everything. This gyrating — and most-definitely confident — fan becomes the literal walking definition of “dance like no ones watching” and “yas, kween” rolled into one. First, they let the music and her singing consume them in the chair as the song works its way to the chorus. At that moment, the fan loses any actual semblance of embarrassment they have, if they had any to begin with, and jumps up at the PRECISE BEAT of the drop and shakes it at a Beyonce-level of hard.

In that moment, that fan was all of us listening to our favorite bands.

Do yourself a favor and check out these sweet moves for yourself.

The identity of this unsung hero is unknown, but Grande posted the video the same day as her show in South Korea. Of course, this fan isn’t the only one to be moved by the pop star’s music.

If there was an award for the most enthusiastic fans, Arianators would surely be the ones to beat.