Apple Finally Introduces a Period-Tracker

Photo: @webster/Twitter

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, Monday, was more than simply an excuse for Drake to show off his latest online shopping purchase: It also marked a major step in gender equality.

In addition to (finally) featuring two female speakers, the tech giant announced that its Health app, first introduced in 2014, will now feature a menstruation-tracking component. According to The Verge, the app was previously able to watch such health-related fluctuations as weight lost or gained, steps taken, inhaler use, and blood glucose levels—but this is the first time that reproductive health will come into play.

Though there’s limited information available on how the new tracker will work—a screengrab was displayed briefly during the conference, as seen in the above photo—it will likely track frequency and flow, and might even have personalized predictive qualities, including information on fertility and cramps. Maybe it’ll even make our pre-period days a little more pleasant? Please?

There are already plenty of cycle-focused apps out there to choose from, but Apple’s move is so monumental because of what the company stands for in terms of recognition and innovation. As quick as it’s been in creating and predicting new tech trends, it’s clearly been very slow in recognizing women’s needs.

Still, it’s better late than never, and we’re looking forward to what this new female-friendly addition will offer up when iOS 9 hits iPhones this fall.

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