7 Fall Clothes You're Obsessed With but Can Literally Only Wear for 2 Weeks


From Cosmopolitan

In the middle of fall, lie two glorious weeks (more or less) where the weather literally could not be better and you’re equally comfortable sipping on a warm coffee drink as you are a cold one. You’re also probably going on a stroll in the park because this is the only time of the year that that sounds like something nice to do too.

During that brief period of time, you can’t control your excitement because you can finally pull out your brand new fall clothes and wear them. Unfortunately though, that excitement dies along with the beautiful leaves you Instagram next to your new booties when you have to pack them up and trade them for ugly waterproof snow boots.

Here are seven clothing items you can’t wait to wear for fall but that you sadly won’t have many opportunities to. Alternative titles for this article are: “Clothes That Serve No Purpose Other Than to Look Good” and “Wardrobe Staples for People Who Live in California.”

1. Open-toe booties. It’s like a sandal/bootie hybrid. But open toe means no socks, and no socks means smelly summer feet. And in the winter, no socks means bare toes, which means frostbite. Those two weeks in fall when the weather is something out of a dream? Open-toe booties are perfect.

2. Leather shorts or skirt. Leather always looks super cool. Leather shorts and skirts are for when you’re tired of wearing girly floral stuff, but it’s not quite chilly enough for full-on leather pants. If it’s even 1 degree over 75 degrees outside, however, you will be dripping with sweat along your waistband.

3. Light scarves. You really can only wear them when it gets chilly at night or during those two magical weeks in fall. In the summer, you are not wrapping fabric around your neck. Your hair already makes it hot enough. And in the winter, these things provide as much warmth as a fake fireplace.

4. Cropped sweaters. Crop tops are super cute. Make a crop top out of sweater material, add some sleeves, and you’re set for winter, right? Wrong. Whose bare belly is brave enough to face winter? Your internal organs are important. Keep them warm.

5. Leggings as pants. Few things are as controversial as LAPs. However, they’re great to wear in the fall when it’s too chilly to go bare-legged but you want to wait as long as you can before you open your under-the-bed storage container full of winter pants that you’ll be doomed to wear for a solid six months. Only people who live in a place that has fake winters (ahem, Texas) can wear LAPs in the deep, dark depths of February.

6. Suede shoes. They’re too hot for summer (hi, foot sweat) and too high-maintenance for winter. If they’re faux suede, who cares. Buy new ones next year. If they’re real though, you have to spray-protect them, avoid rain, and dodge snow puddles in the winter. And if they do get wet, the suede gets matted and discolored, and your heart gets broken.

7. Trench coats. In theory, these are amazing. Don’t carry your dumpy umbrella that blows inside out. Throw on a trendy trench coat and look super stylish! Only problem with that is the last thing you want to wear when it’s raining in the summer is a coat, and they’re rarely lined with anything warm enough to prevent you from dying of frostbite if you get soaked in the winter. They look great, though, for those few weeks in the fall.

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