23 Things You Must Eat and Drink This Fall

The fall season is abundant with cooking and baking opportunities. You can still host barbecues after the tail end of summer; load up on treat-making (if you’re not one for buying and doling pre-packaged candy) for Halloween; get to grilling during football season’s tailgates; end the season with a culinary high note on Thanksgiving, and consider yourself ready to handle the winter holidays like Christmas and New Year’s. 

It might be hard to think of new dishes to prepare with the non-stop cooking, but fear not; Yahoo Food has got you covered. Here are 24 recipes to keep your personal menu fresh – and your plates full – all autumn long.

Explore more fall-worthy seasonal recipes:

These Are the Best Apple Recipes for Fall

Four Fall Recipes That Have Absolutely Nothing to Do With Pumpkin

5 Wines Perfect for Autumn