First Day of School Photos: Expectations vs. Reality

By: Christine Warne


Photo: Instagram @brooke.choate

Baby’s all grown up and ready for his first day of pre-school — a Kodak moment waiting to happen. You’ve been preparing for this day for a few weeks now, and are ready to commemorate it with that DIY back-to-school sign from Pinterest. After multiple trips to the craft store and hours slaving over this sign (not to mention putting a lot of thought into the perfect first-day-of-school outfit), you’re finally ready to put it to use. And now the hard part begins — getting your child to sit still long enough to take a nice photo.

In your mind, back to school photos should look something like this:


Or this:


Well done on that sign, mom!


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But in reality, there’s usually a few photos like look more like these:


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That first day can be tough (not just because it’s hard to take a good photo), as one new preschooler told a Los Angeles reporter last week. If you successfully made it through the morning (with or without tears), way to go! You’re a trooper and you deserve a big thumbs up.


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