8 Things You’ll Miss About Being Pregnant

PHOTO: Tetra Images/ Getty Images

By: Madeline Schmitz

You’re counting down the days until you don’t have to be swollen and hormonal any more, but the reality is, there are some awesome things about pregnancy you just might miss long after you deliver.

1. Eating whatever you want

Okay, maybe not whatever you want, since sushi and rare burgers are off the table. But the idea of not constantly feeling guilty about chowing down on a big brunch or snacking at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 1:00 — you get the picture — was kind of liberating. “ I miss the food!” says teachergal05.

2. Playing the pregnant card

“I miss being able to play the ‘pregnant card’ in almost any situation,” says starlababy02. You can get out of almost anything when you’ve got a bump. (Just feign fatigue!) The good news is the “baby card” you’ll find even more powerful — and a lot less temporary as it can morph into the “little kid card” and the “Spanish test on Monday” card once middle school starts.

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3. Baby’s kicks

It’s definitely intimate and private to feel baby kick — you’re the only one who’s connected with her that way. “I thought I wouldn’t, but I miss feeling baby kick and rubbing my belly and that connection between the two of us while she was in there,” rzurbr says. Over time, you’ll miss the kicks less and less and find ways to bond one-on-one out of the womb.

4. Getting plenty of zzz’s

Those relaxing naps you squeezed in over the weekend? A new mom might get a couple, but they’re in an effort to replace the four interrupted hours she got last night, not the full eight her pre-baby self got. “I thought I wasn’t getting enough sleep when I was pregnant,” says Jocelyn0415. “Oh, how wrong I was!”

5. Being the center of attention

Just walking down the street or checking out at the supermarket, you got well-wishes and questions about your due date and how you were feeling. “Everyone wanted to take care of me, insisted I rest, asked if I was okay, or just flat-out helped,” says DollphinFreek10. Now, you’re practically invisible. An adorable baby enters the room, and you’re just the person holding her.

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6. Regular checkups

“I miss seeing my midwife,” says Mack924. Surprise! Prenatal checkups seemed like a chore before, but after a while you got used to them and may have bonded with a few nurses and your OB. Except for your checkup at around six weeks postbaby, you may never see them again.

7. Body confidence

You didn’t have to “suck it in” at the beach, you felt curvy in all the right places, and everyone complimented you on your pregnant glow. “I loved being pregnant; I felt beautiful and awesome,” says BioGirl21.

8. Pregnant sex

“I miss the sex. I’m too tired for it, now!” says Bonzai! Not only are you tired, but you’re still healing down there, and your libido may hit an all-time low in those first weeks and months. Plus, when on earth is there actual time to get busy when you’re on call with baby 24/7? Getting your sex life back on track can take a lot of time and patience. Eventually you’ll get your mojo back.

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