Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Cats can have some pretty odd behavior. There's the random leaps, late-night zoomies, and biscuit making. Then there are the times when you let them out in the yard and they start acting like tiny cows, grazing your backyard pasture. Why would a cat eat grass when she has a delicious fancy feast at home? Turns out she has a pretty good reason.

According to the pet pros at Daily Paws, cats "may eat grass because it adds fiber to their diet, which helps work food through the system." Cats, like their big relations lions and tigers, are carnivores, so their diets are primarily meat. This means they need some added fiber to keep their digestion running smoothly.

As most cat owners already know, cats tend to cough up some disgusting things like hair balls, which if you're lucky, won't end up on your best pillows or favorite rug. According to Daily Paws, grass helps them process all the other things they eat, including the "indigestible contents such as hairballs from grooming and feathers, fur, and bones from eating small prey."

Cat Eating Blade of Grass
Cat Eating Blade of Grass


While outdoor cats are pretty good at finding their own grass to munch on in the wild, with a little assistance your indoor cat can get in on the fiber-filled fun, too. Daily Paws suggests growing so-called cat grass, which is usually some sort of edible grass like oat, rye, barley, or wheat grass. Put it in a wide, low container and let your cat chow down. Of course, overindulging on anything can be bad, and that includes cat grass. If your cat is too excited by the opening of the cat grass buffet, you may want to limit access for a little while.