Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of June 27, 2022

Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of June 27, 2022. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Shrewdness and self-control are crucial as the week begins. Avoid sounding off before all the information's in -- and even then, you'll want to do some quiet background work and feel out the opinion-makers. You'll get away with your signature bold moves and sweeping statements much better around Wednesday and Thursday, though getting clearance to do some exploratory work on an independent project can lead to even bigger progress now. And hey, how's that personal life? Make it a priority this weekend, or life as you know it may get seriously out of whack.


Whether it's on a personal level or work-wide, the image being projected counts extra as the week begins. A positive attitude and a positive spin are paramount. If you have to fake it a bit, so be it. Then you just might spot another party doing some heavy-handed 'messaging' around Wednesday and Thursday. Is this just P.R. or is there something more seriously amiss? At least ask yourself and maybe them, too. And on Friday or over the weekend, invest time in a fuller understanding of an emerging issue -- you'll look like a genius next week.


The day-to-day may be engaging as the week begins, but the stars are asking you to look at your own larger plan. How's that career development going? A meeting with your mentor or coach is highly beneficial now -- don't delay. With your eye on the prize(s), foster an important work relationship (or two) around Wednesday and Thursday. If you and a certain party don't always see eye to eye, can that be a positive? And on Friday or if you're working this weekend, beware of ambiguity. It's a telltale, especially if you seek more direction or clarity, only to meet with more static.


Other parties may be playing dirty pool as the week begins, so delay committing to anything questionable. Meanwhile, conducting your own work (and life) with values-based strategies means never having to say you're sorry. Then around Wednesday and Thursday, a coworker, a partner or even a competitor deserves particular attention. Anyone can apple-polish up the chain of command, but job satisfaction (and help, too) comes from healthy relationships with those on your level. And omit needless words from Friday through the weekend -- short and simple is best.


Beware of an underminer as the week begins -- a certain party who's talking the talk but whose actions tell another story, somebody who won't be clear about their agenda, someone who's too good to be true. Pause for a moment and let your sixth sense guide you. Then the stars support change of the most positive sort around Wednesday and Thursday -- follow your passion now, whether that involves your current position or exploring new opportunities. You're a pro at networking now -- but from Friday through the weekend, a fly-on-the-wall approach is more advantageous.

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You're not accepting anything at face value as the week begins, which can lead to the identification of some very important issues. Still, you might want to downplay the fact that you're questioning everything, especially to a very important person. Then while the demands on your time may be crazy-making around Wednesday and Thursday, an insane pace isn't sustainable. Prioritize, delegate, do what you need to do to make it to Friday, when an influx of creative energy saves the day (and the weekend, too).


A deep dive's in order vis-a-vis a certain issue and as long as you can keep your head above water with the day-to-day, it's best to get right down to it as the week begins. A change looks to be on the way and the more you know, the better you'll be able to adapt. In fact, around Wednesday and Thursday, your flexibility with current projects and explorations of new areas should both be netting you positive attention. But tread a little water on Friday and over the weekend, or risk a significant but not necessarily productive clash.


All your superpowers are magnified by the stars as the week gets going -- and with great power comes great responsibility. How does your vision benefit everyone? What about a philanthropic component? Giving back when you're this potent is great business karma. Your kryptonite this week looks likely to show up around Wednesday and Thursday, when a much-less-than-sure-thing is practically irresistible. Resist. But if you've got something to hit your boss up for, on Friday or over the weekend you're difficult to resist yourself.


The beginning of the week looks a little low-energy for you, so push back presentations, pitches or important meetings if at all possible. Around Wednesday, playing catch-up is easy and your self-confidence is boosted by the stars -- fuel your actions with optimism over the next couple days and you'll get very little in the way of resistance. But beware of issues when it comes to the numbers from Friday or over the weekend. It may be the last thing you want to deal with, but at least make sure someone else is on it.


Get organized as the week begins and not just on a micro level. Revisiting and reprioritizing your longer-term goals -- both in your current position and in your career -- is just as important as cleaning up that real or virtual desktop. Then watch for a big idea around Wednesday and Thursday, but be ready and willing to do what it takes to make it work. Big is great, but not if it's totally unrealistic; how about medium and doable? Then you can accomplish more on Friday than you have all week and your energy this weekend is highly productive, too.


Issues of advancement, rewards and job satisfaction are in the stars as the week gets under way. Examine all the benefits you're getting -- intangible as well as financial -- and get your mentor or coach in on the act. Around Wednesday and Thursday, your personal possibilities are set to expand and those around you are there to help. Seek the support of your work allies and you might be surprised by how they rise to the occasion. But beware of a time-suck on Friday and if you're on the clock this weekend, have a plan or watch the work expand.


Your innate trust and goodwill might begin to cross the line into gullibility as the week begins. This is a time to ask more questions, get more information and generally think twice (or more). This kind of critical thinking stands you in very good stead around Wednesday and Thursday, when sharing your findings at the right moment makes you look like you've got some kind of sixth sense. Just know when to stop; there's no need to give all your secrets away. Teamwork's key on Friday or over the weekend; if everybody pitches in, no one's left behind the eight ball.

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