Your Weekly Horoscope for November 28, 2021


With Thanksgiving in the rearview, December comes in hot with the fiery, final solar eclipse of the year. But that's far from the only astrological highlight this week.

On Sunday, November 28, the sun pairs up with messenger Mercury in Sagittarius, supporting confident, opinionated, unfiltered communication. On Wednesday, December 1, spiritual Neptune, which has been retrograde in mystical Pisces since June 25, finally goes direct, allowing you to put your rose-colored glasses back on after months of reality checks. And on Friday, December 3 or Saturday, December 4 (depending on your time zone) the new moon and solar eclipse in Sag hits, bringing exciting change, bolstering courage, and empowering you to speak your truth.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Sex 🔥 and Personal Growth 💡

On Monday, November 29, your ruler, go-getter Mars in your eighth house of sexual intimacy forms a sweet trine to spiritual Neptune in your twelfth house of spirituality, making this a sweet day for dreamy morning sex, solo play, or just letting your imagination run wild and stashing those fantasies away for another time. Around Saturday, December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon activates your ninth house in an even major way, you won't hesitate to hit pause on any mundane, dull, snoozefest-y routine that's making your eyes glaze over. Now, you'll be ready to take a major leap of faith to broaden your horizons. Book that trip, take that class, or say yes to the job opp that feels a little risky but could make all your dreams a reality. If anyone can make an impulsive move and land on their feet, it's you, Aries.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Love ❤️

On Monday, November 29, go-getter Mars in your seventh house of partnership forms a sweet trine to dreamy Neptune in your eleventh house of networking, fueling exciting brainstorms with a colleague, friend, or significant other. Collaboration will stimulate your imagination. Around Saturday, December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds, you'll be reflecting on your comfort level in your closest relationships. Whether you feel like you're not meeting halfway, being seen for everything you bring to the table, or some other kind of imbalance is plaguing your connection, it'll be time to speak up and switch up how you're showing up in the relationship. You tend to loathe change, but in this case, embracing it can serve you well. (Related: Parasocial Relationships May Seem Strange But Are Really Quite Normal)

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Love ❤️

This week's all about one-on-one relationships for you, Gemini, and it kicks off with the confident sun and messenger Mercury, your ruler, pairing up in your partnership zone on Sunday, November 28. If you've been wanting to have a pointed, direct, and productive conversation, there's no time like the present. And around Saturday, December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon lands there, you'll have a breakthrough related to an ongoing relationship issue. You'll want to devote quality time to reflecting on how far you've come and what you want the bond to look like going forward — then make changes accordingly. (Also read: The Complete Guide to Zodiac Compatibility)

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Wellness 🍏

On Monday, November 29, action-oriented Mars in your fifth house of self-expression forms a sweet trine to dreamy Neptune in your ninth house of adventure, and you'll want the holiday weekend celebration to continue into this week. You might be tempted to throw caution to the wind and put off a deadline so you can spend more time with loved ones or to prioritize an artistic passion project. Around Saturday, December 4 when the new moon and solar eclipse lands in your sixth house of wellness, you'll be feeling acutely aware of the ways in which your everyday habits and grind have been compromising your well-being. You've likely been thinking for a while now that change is required to strike a better balance and work more self-care into your routine, and this moment could inspire you to make a bold move. (See: Your Guide to Taking a Mental Health Day)

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Personal Growth 💡

Expressing your emotions comes even more naturally than usual on Sunday, November 28 when the confident sun — your ruler — and messenger Mercury pair up in your fifth house of romance. If you're single, consider refreshing your app profiles. If you're attached, don't question your impulse to speak straight from the heart. And around Saturday, December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse are in the same zone, you'll be inspired to let your freak flag fly. You're so done conforming to what other people want. Embracing your unique voice and flaunting what makes you shine can feel deeply empowering and revitalizing.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Love ❤️

Prepare for inspiring, imaginative brainstorms with your BFF or S.O. on Monday, November 29 when action-oriented Mars in your third house of communication forms a harmonizing trine to spiritual Neptune in your seventh house of partnership. You'll find you're able to put pragmatism on the back burner momentarily in order to dream, laying the groundwork for a shared big-picture goal. And around Saturday, December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse falls in your fourth house of home life, you'll be kicking off a new chapter in your inner life. Your sense of security and closest bonds come into focus — and deserve to be prioritized. (See: What Your Mars Sign Means About Your Energy, Anger, and Sex Life)

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Relationships 💕

If you've been feeling a bit stuck in your work life, you can look forward to Monday, November 29 when go-getter Mars in your second house of income forms a harmonizing trine to dreamy Neptune in your sixth house of daily routine, fueling creative thinking related to your moneymaking game plan. Let your imagination run wild first, then figure out how you can transform your ideas into practical action steps. And around Saturday, December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse falls in your third house of communication, your curiosity and desire to connect and be social will likely be even more off-the-charts than usual. You might realize it's time to prioritize time with friends who can offer you the mental stimulation you're craving.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Sex 🔥 and Money 🤑

You can look forward to an especially sexy kickoff to the work week on Monday, November 29 when go-getter Mars — one of your co-rulers — in your sign forms a sweet trine to dreamy Neptune in your fifth house of romance. Pour your most heartfelt emotions into a creative outlet or sexual self-expression (with someone special or while playing solo) can have you feeling deeply satisfied and centered. And around Saturday, December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon lands in your second house of income, you'll need to take a microscope to your moneymaking game plan. It could be time to try a new budget or investment strategy to make sure your financial house is in order.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Personal Growth 💡

Now that your season is in full swing, you can't help but radiate from the inside out and command the spotlight. You'll definitely be feeling that vibe on Sunday, November 28 when the confident sun pairs up with messenger Mercury in your sign, nudging you to say exactly how you feel. This could be an awesome time to lay all your cards on the table while having a heart-to-heart with someone special. And around Saturday, December 4, the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your sign, you'll be motivated to stand strong in your sense of self, refusing to bend to the whims and wishes of anyone — a partner, a friend, a colleague — who would have you change to suit their agenda. Believing in and trusting yourself in this moment can be a truly powerful experience.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Personal Growth 💡

You'll want to make a point to trade notes on a passion project with friends or colleagues on Monday, November 29 when go-getter Mars in your eleventh house of networking forms a harmonizing trine to dreamy Neptune in your third house of communication. This transit can make it easier to put rational obstacles out of your mind and focus on what you really want to achieve as a team, potentially setting you up for unparalleled success. And around Saturday, December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, your dreams will be vivid and you could feel especially in tune with your intuition. It's time to give more credence to both of these ethereal aspects of life, as the messages you're receiving could serve to inform a whole new, fulfilling path forward.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Relationships 💕

On Monday, November 29, go-getter Mars in your tenth house of career forms a sweet trine to spiritual Neptune in your second house of income, and you could be fired up to bring a seemingly implausible but deeply creative idea to the table at work. Go for it, as it could lead to well-deserved recognition. Around Saturday, December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse activates your eleventh house of networking, you'll be gaining quite a bit of clarity around your platonic relationships. You can get a read on the friends and colleagues who are showing up for you in the way you're showing up for them — and the ones who might be more of a drain on your heart and energy than anything else. It's time to align yourself with the people who are genuinely on board with your long-term wishes.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Career 💼

You often let your mind wander, fantasizing about trips to faraway, exotic destinations or ways to elevate your skill set, but on Monday, November 29 when action-oriented Mars in your ninth house of adventure forms a harmonizing trine to dreamy Neptune in your sign, you'll find you're not only getting carried away — you're motivated to make these daydreams real. It could be time to take a risk. And around Saturday, December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse falls in your tenth house of career, you'll be inspired to switch up your approach to hitting your long-term professional goals. Whether you've been feeling unfulfilled, unseen, or stuck, you can now get clear on what you want to achieve and the changes that need to occur in order to reach the peak of your mountain.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.