Trend Forecast: The Hottest Tiktok Beauty Trends To Expect in 2023

TikTok is an online haven for discovering the latest trends, from makeup to fashion. The site has attracted millions of fans from around the world. So it certainly is no surprise that many of these trends have become extremely popular with its users, especially Gen Z.

Gen Z LOVES TikTok. In fact, according to a report from Forbes, over 60 percent of its user base was born after 1996, a.k.a Gen Z. And Kyra, a Gen Z-focused creator economy company with the largest Tiktok trends database in the world is

This year, the company teamed up with Blended to introduce its first-ever Gen Z State of Beauty Report: Then, Now, & Next. This report explains how Tiktok became a leading platform driving the latest trends in beauty and wellness.

Take a look at some highlights from the report:

On TikTok’s influence on buying behaviors:

  • 40% are buying a new product they discovered online every two months or more

  • 48% bought a product after it was recommended to them by a content creator

  • 69% of Gen Z is gender agnostic when it comes to the beauty influencers they trust, meaning, a beauty creator can have just as much influence on a consumer – regardless of gender

On GenZ’s preferred brands:

  • The top 5 skincare brands include, CeraVe, Simple, Olay and Cetaphil

  • The top 5 body care brands include, Dove, Nivea and The Ordinary

  • The top 5 makeup brands include, Elf, Maybelline, Dior and MAC

Photo Credit: Kyra and Blended
Photo Credit: Kyra and Blended

Trend Forecast: The Hottest Tiktok Beauty Trends To Expect in 2023

Trends come and go. And according to new data from Kyra, a number of your favorite Tiktok trends may be on their way out. But fortunately, Marina Mansour, VP of Beauty and Wellness at Kyra spilled all the tea about which Tiktok beauty trends we can expect to see in the new year. Take a look:

Photo Credit: Marina Mansour
Photo Credit: Marina Mansour

Brittni Williams: Tell us about the projections for trends in the beauty and skincare space for 2023.

Marina Mansour: Yeah, so I think in the beauty space as far as cosmetics go, what we’re going to see is — and we definitely started seeing more of it over the last couple of months — but I think we’re going to lean into a lot more expressive beauty. I think we’re going to get a little bit more experimental.

Editorial makeup looks have started popping up a little bit more, and I think we’re going to see that more widely across 2023 as people utilize platforms like Tiktok, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. to find ways of recreating those looks after they see them online.

I think that the topic of hair is definitely younger in this space from a social media community, Gen Z perspective. But I do think with the kind of increase in people going out and going clubbing and having dinners and brunches and stuff, we’ve seen a general rise in that special occasion kind of look, whether it’s makeup or whether it’s hair.

So maybe not quite as experimental as what we’re seeing in the cosmetic space but I think styling may be more of a focus for hair via coloring.

Skincare is a little bit trickier because I think skin is much more specific to individual concerns and stages in life. So I think from a Gen Z perspective, what we saw from The State of Beauty Report for example, is a sort of knowledge maturing in regards to this audience’s relationship with skincare. So maybe less skincare routine steps and more of an education or self diagnosis of skin type first and a slightly more discerning way of engaging in skincare.

BW: How has Tiktok changed the game when it comes to beauty and skincare trends?

MM: It’s changed everything. It has absolutely changed everything for a couple of reasons. I think most importantly, it’s changed the cycle and the tail of trends. Tiktok has been such a leader in terms of peer to peer advocacy and community. The way the algorithm kind of throws things out there and gets it to the kind of consumer that wants to see it is obviously not something that we’ve seen before in our previous social platforms. So then what that has really meant is that trends kind of latch, and burn really brightly, really quickly. And then when they dip down again, they don’t necessarily disappear, they just kind of move into the background a little bit.

BW: Hailey Bieber is a huge trendsetter on Tik Tok. Are there any emerging content creators to look out for in 2023?

MM: I think Hailey Bieber and her relationship to Tiktok as a trendsetter is is a very unique one. I think clearly with trends such as the ‘glazed donut’ trend, it’s rare to see trends operate at that level of universality.

So I think it’s difficult to pinpoint individual content creators. But the amazing part of Tiktok is that we don’t know where these big trends or moments in beauty will come from when it comes to the platform. And I think that’s what’s so powerful about the beauty community on Tiktok — a new creator can come out of nowhere and make a video that really hits.

BW: Which beauty trends can we expect to leave in 2022?

MM: Oh my god, please, let’s say goodbye to the ‘clean girl aesthetic.’ Let’s move on. When it comes to ‘clean girl makeup’ or ‘no-makeup makeup,’ I think we’ve passed that with the rise of experimental makeup and makeup that is a little bit more bold.

BW: Pantone announced Viva Magenta as the official color of 2023. Can we expect to see more of this color in beauty trends and products? And what other colors can we expect to see more of next year?

@ohmyzy_ “BBGRL” lipstick “Magenta” lip liner and “Select” lipgloss @novabeauty by @fashionnova ♬ About Damn Time – Lizzo

MM: It’s an extremely wearable color as far as lip products go, and especially with the newer lip products that are really popping at the moment. For example, lip liners — everyone’s obsessed with lip liners now. So maybe a lip liner, a lip oil, a high-glitter lip gloss, or even a lip and blush combo.

BW: Aside from Viva Magenta, what other colors are on the horizon for 2023?

MM: So I have you been watching Wednesday on Netflix?

BW: I have! I watched the first episode a couple days ago and I’m already in love with it.

MM: Ok, so a lot of Tiktok creators have been talking about recreating Wednesday’s lip or recreating Morticia’s lip, so I definitely think purple for the lips. And I really think we’re going back to that soft grunge, kind of quote unquote “rock star girlfriend” look which has been bubbling over the summer. But I think that’s what we’re going to see —we’re going to go slightly darker.

So I would say that vampy colors like deep purple, deep cherry — like that dark lip. Mac has one of my favorite lip colors ever called Smoked Purple. It’s like a really deep, almost navy blue kind of lip color.

BW: There was a lot of talk about the ‘skinny BBL’ this year. As far as cosmetic enhancements, which procedures are projected to trend in 2023?

MM: I think we’re going to see a focus on cheekbones. So kind of like a more carved, 90s model, sort of contoured look, whereas previously we saw a fuller cheek at the top. I think we’re going to see a much slimmer, much more sculpted aesthetic in 2023.

And even from a makeup perspective I’ve seen the trend in newer approaches to contouring — this idea that ‘Oh, if you want model-like cheekbones, don’t contour like that, contour like this.’ And I think that’s the beginning of what we can anticipate from a more semi-permanent or permanent perspective, procedurally speaking.

BW: ‘Clean Girl,’ ‘Barbiecore,’ and ‘Fairycore’ are popular aesthetics on Tiktok. What new aesthetics should we look out for in the coming year?

MM: Soft goth definitely. I think the whole makeup culture around Wednesday on Netflix is so perfectly timed with what is bubbling on Tiktok. And that’s kind of what we’re looking at for next year — a contoured, slightly more angular, gaunt look.