Strengthen your back muscles with these 3 exercises.

These three exercises will strengthen every part of your back and give you that tall and proud posture you've been after!

Video Transcript

JEREMY SRY: Hey, guys. Welcome to In The Know Fitness. I'm Jeremy Sry, and today I'm going to share with you some of my favorite exercises for building back muscles.

All right, guys, the first exercise we have here is single-arm dumbbell rows. We're going to take a half lunge over here, bend over, and row back. From here, we're going to add a squeeze at the top.

All right, guys, the next exercise is Pendlay rows. So we're going to do this one a little bit differently by using dumbbells instead of barbells. From here, we're going to bend over, grab our weights. To protect our spine, we're going to drive our hips back. As we row, make sure you lead with your elbows.

All right, guys, this is it. The last exercise in the circuit is Superman holds. We're going to lie flat on our stomach, and with everything left in the tank, we're going to raise our hands and our feet and hold in that position.

That's it. Thanks for joining me on my back workout. I'm Jeremy Sry. I'll see you next time.