The Sky Today, January 28, 2022

At 12:39 a.m.: The moon is sextile Saturn

Just after midnight, the Sagittarius moon sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, causing us to feel protective of those we care about. However, rather than using our resources to create safety nets, we show support by enthusiastically cheering on our loved ones’ sense of adventure or desire for experience. We might use our connections to open doors for inspiration, education, or foreign travel.

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At 11:00 a.m.: The moon is square Neptune, and the moon void of course begins

Late in the morning, a square between the moon and Neptune in Pisces can arouse suspicions and have us questioning others’ motives. We can be hurt by those who seek to exploit our goodwill. However, just because manipulative people exist doesn’t mean we should be less compassionate. Instead, we are better off taking this time for solo pursuits, artistic projects, or prayer. Those who would try to use our idealism against us will out themselves when we withdraw our energy from the situation.

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