The Sky Today, January 19, 2022

At 1:00 p.m.: The moon is inconjunct Neptune

Today’s cosmic weather is quiet until the Leo moon forms a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, creating confusion and emotional upsets. The nagging feeling that we have misjudged someone or something dampens our confidence, and much as we try to pinpoint rationale that would give our conclusion credence, the more it eludes us. Our imagination can run wild now, which is not such a bad thing if we funnel our creative energy into a spiritual practice or a meditative or artistic exercise. Once this transit passes, we might even surprise ourselves with the inspired works we’ve produced during a time when we felt so out of sorts.

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At 6:39 p.m.: The sun enters Aquarius

In the evening, the sun exits grounded, pragmatic, and success-oriented Capricorn for the terrain of cosmic innovator, Aquarius. At this time, we build on the legacies we established during Capricorn season, but with experimentation and collaboration in mind. This is a season for outreach, networking, and showing off our originality. Letting our inner non-conformist out to play finds us meeting those with similarly eccentric interests, pastimes, and social views. Over the next month, we are less concerned with tradition or fitting into the crowd. We know that deviating from convention and owning our unique point of view is how we can make progress, not only for our own sake, but for the good of our communities. If placed in a leadership position, we will prioritize tenants like freedom of expression, ingenuity, and defying limitation over taking the “safe” approach.

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