PSA: You Should Be Changing Your Ceiling Fan's Direction in the Summer

Ceiling fans can play a really big role in keeping your home cool (or warm), depending on the season (and help cut your electric bills, too). But if you don't run your fan blades in the right direction, you could be making your home less comfortable.

Fortunately, it's super easy to set your ceiling fans for maximum effect. Here's everything you need to know.

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ceiling-fan-direction: illustration of ceiling fan spinning
ceiling-fan-direction: illustration of ceiling fan spinning

Getty Images

How to Change Ceiling Fan Direction

Depending on how your ceiling fan is set up, you may just toggle a switch on the main body of the ceiling fan to change it from clockwise to counterclockwise (or vice versa). Just be sure to turn it off first! Newer models may let you change the fan's direction (without pulling out the ladder) via a remote or app.

Once you know how to change your fan's direction, here's which way to turn it and when, plus general tips for running your fan.

Fans should turn counterclockwise in the summer.

Running your fan with the blades moving counterclockwise helps create a downdraft, pushing cooler air down toward you. That breeze, like a "wind chill," allows you to turn up your air conditioning thermostat, but still feel comfortable. According to Hunter Fans, that setting can help you save 47 percent on your cooling costs.

RELATED: Best Fans to Keep Your Home Cool

Note: Running the fan is only cost-effective when people are in the room to enjoy the wind chill effect—so don't leave it running all day when no one is home.

Fans should turn clockwise in the winter.

You may not have thought of running a ceiling fan in the winter, but it can help reduce your heating costs, too. Run a ceiling fan clockwise at low speed during winter to move warm air down toward you.

Run your fans to help with other issues.

A ceiling fan can also help you clear away cooking smells and smoke—set it to run clockwise, and consider opening windows to help drive smoke out of the house.

Outdoor ceiling fans also help you feel cooler when you're enjoying your patio or porch. As an added bonus: If you run them counterclockwise on high, the breeze they generate helps keep mosquitos away.