Prankster installs Putin portrait in elevator

A Russian man recently pranked people in his apartment building by sticking a fake portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the elevator. Luckily, the man also thought to install a video camera to capture the priceless reactions. The footage, which was shared by the Moscow Times Twitter account, has over two million views and 12,000 retweets. “There’s a camera in his eyes, he’s surveilling us,” joked one woman. Another had her friend snap a picture of her pretending to bow in front of the portrait. Other reactions include cursing at the portrait, laughing and even trying to pull it off the wall. Many Twitter users thought the video was hilarious and even proposed someone try to do it in the U.S. with a portrait of Donald Trump. Others were less amused, expressing concern over the elevator passengers’ faces not being blurred out. “Is it safe to be showing people’s faces like this? How safe are these people now”