These "Life Hacks" Will Simplify Your Life In The Best Way Possible, And I'm Copying Every Single One

Since life can be a little rough sometimes, it's never a bad idea to find a few "short cuts" to help streamline everyday tasks and make life a little easier.

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So when Twitter user @amandadeibert asked, "What is your BEST life hack?" people provided some profound answers that will make you say, "Why didn't I think of that?"

1.For instance, if you're tired of sorting socks, you're going to love this hack:

2.Or this little design tip that's on your car's dashboard:

3.You don't have to have a green thumb to grow this food:

4.Your cat's bathroom situation just. Got. Better:

5.Parents, rejoice! The BEST way to put sunscreen on kids:

6.You can thank your lucky "star" for this elevator trick:

7.This hack made unrolling aluminum foil way easier:

8.A romantic self-love tip? We love to read it:

9.This hack is perfect for those scary-yet-important-to-send work emails.

10.Valid life advice that everyone can benefit from:

11.The best mindful hack we've ever read:

12.Your feet will thank you for this genius idea:

13.What an egg-cellent life trick:

14.Who needs a seamstress with this sewing trick?

15.The simplest meal prep idea you will actually have time for:

16.Save your money with this traveling hack:

17.Tired of fighting with a bedsheet? This idea may do the trick:

18.This hack will not only help you but the grocery store employee, too:

19.No offense, friends — but sometimes it's easier to plan a get-together with one person rather than every person in the group:

20.Another parenting hack that will blow your mind:

21.No more "accidentally" sending emails to your boss or co-workers:

22.This is the most thoughtful friendship hack we've read lately:

23.And finally, this tried-and-true money and relationship advice:

What is the best life hack you have ever learned? Tell us in the comments below.