Peloton's Robin Arzón Is Teaching a MasterClass On Mental Strength

Robin Arzon Masterclass
Robin Arzon Masterclass


Robin Arzón's signature brand of tenacity is now part of a curriculum. The head instructor and vice president of fitness programming at Peloton will teach a course on MasterClass (a platform with classes taught by exemplary instructors ranging in topics from arts and entertainment to business and wellness) on how to build mental strength, adopt a stronger mindset, and courageously pursue goals.

Inspired by her own experience of overcoming adversity to climb to the top of the fitness world, Arzón will teach MasterClass members how to leave excuses in the past, identify their passion, unlock their power, and achieve their dreams.

In the class, "I break down a hustler's mindset and how to own the pen to one's story," Arzón tells Shape. "Confidence is a side effect of hustle. Members will walk away with a sense of heightened possibility for their story. I discuss the ingredients to hustle; they develop the recipe that works for them." (Related: How I Run 100-Mile Races with Type 1 Diabetes)

While members won't find any fitness tips and tricks in Arzón's MasterClass, she will use wellness principles to teach goal-setting methods designed to help them on and off their Peloton bikes, bridging the gap between physical and mental health. (Related: Peloton Instructor Robin Arzón's NYC Home Is an Absolute Wellness Oasis)

Arzón, who's previously offered up tips in her New York Times bestseller, Shut Up and Run: How to Get Up, Lace Up and Sweat with Swagger, will teach members how to set long-term goals by identifying their purpose, tapping into their potential, and creating healthy daily habits. Journaling, visualization techniques, creating mantras and vision boards are also ways Arzón implements her outlook. (Related: Peloton Instructor Kendall Toole Is Living Proof a Vision Board Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams)

A former corporate litigation attorney, Arzón credits a brush with death as the moment that led her to a career pivot.

"I had a life-or-death experience when I was 20," Arzón previously told Shape. "I was held hostage at gunpoint. Ever since that day, I have actually lived every day as my last."

Arzón fought through the traumatic incident, attending law school and then practicing law for seven years at a prestigious firm, but she says she often thought back to the promise she made to herself to live with intention.

"I realized that in my law career, I had spent years on something that no longer inspired passion and didn't make me feel like I wanted to pay forward as a warrior of any particular message," she explained. "And it was really important to me to change that."

That realization led Arzón to Peloton, where she was able to turn her love for wellness into a life-changing career. (Related: How Peloton Trainer Robin Arzón Is Keeping Her Body Fueled During Pregnancy)

"I know strength because I've known fear - deep fear," she said. "I have redefined myself over and over again and my life goal is to be an epic superhero in my own story."

And now, Arzón will teach MasterClass members how to be their own superheroes, too. "Our internal conversation is the most important one we have," Arzón tells Shape. "When we turn our inner critic into an inner advocate, lives change and empires are built. Mental strength that I developed on the race course, in the courtroom, and in the house of hustle directly applies to developing mental strength. My MasterClass packages those principles so members can own the pen to their stories and step into their power."