This Millennial Boss Shared What It's Like To Have Only Gen Z Employees, And Honestly, It Sounds Awesome

As a millennial who works with Gen Z'ers, I have to say that I am very much here for the energy that Gen Z is bringing with them to work. They can roast me and my skinny jeans all day, and I kinda love it.

Netflix / Via

So when millennial boss Tommy Flaim shared this TikTok about his hilarious Gen Z employees, it definitely struck a chord with a lot of people:


It’s a Gen Z world, I’m just their millennial boss #genz #millenialboss #millenialsoftiktok #startup

♬ Borderline - Tame Impala

In the clip, which has been viewed 14.4 million times, the Chicago-based activewear entrepreneur shares some examples of Gen Z'ers signing off on their emails, and they are spit-out-your-coffee funny. Take, for example, one of my favorites: "Apologies for existing :')".

Email signed off apologies for existing
@foxandrobin / Via

Or this email that I would never have had the ovaries to send to my boss:

email signed off talk soon loser
@foxandrobin / Via

And then there's "hasta la pasta," which I equally love and hate but haven't been able to stop thinking about. There are even more in the video, and I promise you they are all gold.

email signed off hasta la pasta
@foxandrobin / Via

And in the comments, people are loving the company's chill culture and fun vibe. One commenter wrote, "Gen X here, my boss had a word with me for using smiling emojis! Must be nice to go to work and just be yourself."

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TikTok / Via

There were also plenty of millennials jumping into the conversation, just loving the honest and funny vibe Gen Z'ers are bringing.

As a 37 year old I'd love to work with gen z only. why not? sounds joyful
TikTok / Via

To learn more about his experience working with Gen Z, I reached out to Tommy over email. He said that one of the biggest things he's noticed about his Gen Z employees is their values. "They really want to work for companies that align with their values, and they hate greenwashing. Morale is highest when they’re convinced the company they work for is doing the right thing behind closed doors day in and day out," he said.

And though they obviously love comedy, Tommy praised their ability to get down to business. "As it relates to the emails, they know when to be professional and 'turn it on.' The emails you see are obviously very silly and unhinged, but that’s purely internal communications. Having said that, I think the reason this video is resonating with so many people is that millennials and Gen Z'ers are sick of stiff corporate jargon/pleasantries. It feels fake pretending like you’re thrilled to do a work-related task on a Friday afternoon. At Fox & Robin, we try to keep it real."

Aside from the praise for their work environment, Tommy said the video garnered a lot of attention for his activewear brand, Fox & Robin, as well. "We received well over 1,000 inbounds from people asking for jobs. We had about 200 followers on TikTok when we originally posted that video. Now we have 14 million views on TikTok, numerous Instagram meme accounts reposted, and we recently heard that professors and Notre Dame and Stanford Business School have showed their students this video."

You can follow Fox & Robin on TikTok or Instagram, and check out their website to shop or learn more about the company.