Just Musing: Winter's wrath, football and classified documents

I guess I jinxed Central Ohio in last weeks column. Old Man Winter or Mother Nature — whichever one you blame or praise for the weather — did a number on us. When I went to church, we were having snow showers — just enough to turn on the windshield wipers now and then. In less than an hour, the snowfall increased in intensity to the point the minister announced that he was sending us home while we could get there safely, said a prayer and wished us well.

It was a wet heavy snow and a little slushy. There is a slight incline at the end of the drive onto the roadway and then an incline and curve once you are on the road. He suggested folks wait until the person in front of them made it into the road and up the hill before they headed out the driveway. One woman started sliding as she was making the turn on the road, slid sidewise and backwards into a deep ditch. About a dozen men went to her rescue and literally had to push her up the hill to the curve on the road. I was next in line. My SUV is all-wheel drive, but I had never been in a situation to rely on it — until then. I dropped in low and slowly made my way out without spinning a wheel. Very grateful to know that the all wheel drive works as expected.

To add to the winter woes, a heavy snow returned overnight on Tuesday of this past week. Let me just say that I have a medical procedure set for Feb. 6 and then I’m leaving this cold for the next 6 weeks. On a brighter note, there are 50 days until spring!

I enjoyed watching the Bengals vs Buffalo Bills football game last Sunday afternoon but being a mother, who has buried two of her children — and worry wart, every time a player on either team laid on the field for more than 2 seconds — my mind immediately returned to the previous game between the two teams when Damar Hamlin lay there motionless. Medical personnel rushed to the field and immediately began lifesaving medical attention. As they were playing in the snow, I kept praying for no serious injuries or broken bones. My neighbor said that’s the way football should be played — outdoors instead of a dome. Now, here’s hoping the Bengals come away with a “W” at tonight’s game with the Kansas City Chiefs which will also be open air at Arrowhood Stadium in Kansas City, Mo.

On another note, if you are in reasonably good health and can shovel out an elderly neighbor or family member, please lend a helping hand. Shoveling snow, especially wet, heavy snow, is hard in the heart. Take a break if you begin to feel heart palpitations or light headed.

The calendar will turn over to a new month on Wednesday this week. February is a month with many dates of celebration — Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day and is also the shortest month of the calendar year.

I’m not going to go into great detail but I’ve just been curious if this is the first time that investigations have been made searching for classified government documents? They have currently searched offices and private homes of current President Joe Biden, immediate past President Donald Trump, and Vice President Mike Pence. Will the FBI also search the homes of former presidents Obama and Bush? Just curious.

Let me leave you with this quotation by Gerry Adams: “One mans transparency is another’s humiliation.”

Until next week. Be safe and be kind. Kudos to snow plow drivers, first responders, firefighters and law enforcement who work tirelessly to keep us all safe.

Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at brendadonegan55@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: Winter finally arrives, football and classified documents