Your Daily MomScope for November 27, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Although it goes against the grain, take it slow today. So what if the tyke dithers about what cereal to eat or which socks to wear, and other folks change their minds? You're on the right track and can adjust to accommodate them.


This is a day for decadence. Find ways to indulge yourself, such as whipping up your favorite triple chocolate cake. Your other half will appreciate it as well, which might just lead to some snuggling later.


This is a good day to spread the word. Send out some resumes if you're looking or network. Stash little notes of encouragement around the house for the tyke such as -- You're the best! Thanks for helping out! -- and the like.


You definitely have places to go and people to see. It might be a purely social event or one in which you can do some networking. But you'll want to look your best. Don't forget to tuck the little one in before you go.


You're eager to strut your stuff. Putting on your best work outfit will win you favorable reviews, and let those in charge know you're ready to advance. Later, it's the state of undress that interests your partner.

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You're restless today, which might make it a good day to check out travel deals. You'll find some excellent bargains and have the patience to crunch all the numbers. Your other half will applaud your efforts.


You can see all sides of any argument today, though the kiddo may wish you would see only theirs. You can step in and negotiate a win-win to any playground dispute. Keep playdates low-key, since your in no mood for crowds.


It's a good day to be as open-minded as possible with the tyke. If you try too hard to steer them in one direction, it will only set them off in another. Let them decide what to do for themselves, and it will be all smiles.


This is a good day to pay attention to details. The tyke will appreciate your reminding them to pack the fossil collection for Show and Tell. And the boss will be thrilled when you insure the report is complete.


You deserve a break! Get out of the rut and do something enjoyable, like hitting the spa with the girls. If you make it a home party and share the costs, you won't have to feel guilty about the indulgence.


The tyke might encounter things that seem strange to them today. Of course, they look to you to explain what it means. You have all the enlightening answers, now you just need to put them in words the little one understands.


Treating the family to a delicious dinner will bring smiles all around. Let the little one help by washing the veggies or the dishes. They'll feel so grown up, and making a contribution will make it all that more exciting.

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